
Credit Application

Credit Application Form - PDF

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2024 Forced Labour Report

Download the 2024 Forced Labour Report  - PDF


Product Line Cards

Click below to download our latest supplier line cards:

Electrical Line Card - PDF

Heating Line Card - PDF

Plumbing Line Card - PDF



Brand Guidelines

Bartle & Gibson Brand Guidelines - PDF

Bartle & Gibson Showrooms Brand Guidelines - PDF


Bartle & Gibson Logos


Vertical Logo & PHE (zip)


Vertical Logo (zip)


Horizontal Logo (zip)


Horizontal Logo & PHE (zip)


Bartle & Gibson Showrooms



Horizontal Logo Black Text (zip)


Vertical Logo Black Text (zip)


Bartle & Gibson 80th Anniversary Logos


80 Horizontal Logo PHE (zip)


80 Horizontal Logo (zip)


80 Vertical Logo PHE (zip)


80 Vertical Logo (zip)