WATTS® Area Drain, For Use With: FD-460-AF Area Drain, Ductile Iron, Finish: Epoxy-Coated, 12 in L x 12 in W, Additional Information: 41 sq-in Free Area, XHD Load
Watts Drainage Products FD-460-AF epoxy coated cast iron area drain with anchor flange, weepholes, 12-3/4 in. x 12-3/4 in. (324 x 324) adjustable top with ductile iron tractor grate, no hub (standard) outlet.
WATTS® Area Drain, For Use With: FD-460-AF Area Drain, Ductile Iron, Finish: Epoxy-Coated, 12 in L x 12 in W, Additional Information: 41 sq-in Free Area, XHD Load
Watts Drainage Products FD-460-AF epoxy coated cast iron area drain with anchor flange, weepholes, 12-3/4 in. x 12-3/4 in. (324 x 324) adjustable top with ductile iron tractor grate, no hub (standard) outlet.