WHITLAM® PRO-GREEN PVC Cement, Low VOC Medium Body, 0.5 pt Container, For Use With: 3 in (7.62 cm) Dia on all Classes of PVC Pressure Pipe (except Schedule 80/XH) and 6 in (15.24 cm) Dia on Non-Pressure PVC Pipe, Green, Ether and Acetone Like Odor/Scent, Composition: Tetrahydrofuran (THF), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Cyclohexanone, Acetone, 30 s Drying, 24 hr Curing, 0 to 120 deg F
PRO-GREEN irrigation medium bodied Low VOC PVC cement is a fast, one-step cement for use through 3 in (7.62 cm) Dia on all classes of PVC pressure pipe (except SCH 80/XH) and 6 in (15.24 cm) Dia on non-pressure PVC pipe where pipe pulling is required and conditions are wet and/or quick pressurization is needed.
WHITLAM® PRO-GREEN PVC Cement, Low VOC Medium Body, 0.5 pt Container, For Use With: 3 in (7.62 cm) Dia on all Classes of PVC Pressure Pipe (except Schedule 80/XH) and 6 in (15.24 cm) Dia on Non-Pressure PVC Pipe, Green, Ether and Acetone Like Odor/Scent, Composition: Tetrahydrofuran (THF), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Cyclohexanone, Acetone, 30 s Drying, 24 hr Curing, 0 to 120 deg F
PRO-GREEN irrigation medium bodied Low VOC PVC cement is a fast, one-step cement for use through 3 in (7.62 cm) Dia on all classes of PVC pressure pipe (except SCH 80/XH) and 6 in (15.24 cm) Dia on non-pressure PVC pipe where pipe pulling is required and conditions are wet and/or quick pressurization is needed.