Raychem®, RAYCLIC-PC, Kit, Power Connection, Series: RayClic, For Use With: XL-Trace, IceStop and HWAT Self-Regulating Heating Cables, Gray None
These kits are for use with Raychem IceStop, XL-Trace and HWAT heating cables. The connection is designed to be strapped to the pipe or mounted on the wall at the start of the heating cable circuit. These installation instructions should be used in conjunction with the IceStop, XL-Trace and HWAT System Installation and Operation Manuals. The Raychem RayClic-PC can supply power to one heating cable. Each kit contains one RayClic-PC power connection, one RayClic-E end seal and one SB-04 pipe mounting bracket. The kit includes five foot power lead wires and conduit fitting; the junction box and flexible conduit required to make a complete connection are not included.
Raychem®, RAYCLIC-PC, Kit, Power Connection, Series: RayClic, For Use With: XL-Trace, IceStop and HWAT Self-Regulating Heating Cables, Gray None
These kits are for use with Raychem IceStop, XL-Trace and HWAT heating cables. The connection is designed to be strapped to the pipe or mounted on the wall at the start of the heating cable circuit. These installation instructions should be used in conjunction with the IceStop, XL-Trace and HWAT System Installation and Operation Manuals. The Raychem RayClic-PC can supply power to one heating cable. Each kit contains one RayClic-PC power connection, one RayClic-E end seal and one SB-04 pipe mounting bracket. The kit includes five foot power lead wires and conduit fitting; the junction box and flexible conduit required to make a complete connection are not included.