Raychem®, RAYCLIC-E, Kit, End Seal, Series: RayClic, For Use With: XL-Trace, HWAT, IceStop and RaySol Heating Cable Systems, Gray None
This end seal is for use with Raychem IceStop, XL-Trace, HWAT and RaySol heating cables. Materials for one end seal termination are included in this kit. The appropriate Raychem power connection kit must also be used. These installation instructions should be used in conjunction with the IceStop, XL-Trace, HWAT and RaySol System Installation and Operation Manuals.
Raychem®, RAYCLIC-E, Kit, End Seal, Series: RayClic, For Use With: XL-Trace, HWAT, IceStop and RaySol Heating Cable Systems, Gray None
This end seal is for use with Raychem IceStop, XL-Trace, HWAT and RaySol heating cables. Materials for one end seal termination are included in this kit. The appropriate Raychem power connection kit must also be used. These installation instructions should be used in conjunction with the IceStop, XL-Trace, HWAT and RaySol System Installation and Operation Manuals.