SEE-FIL® Septic Tank Pump Filter, Suitable For Use With: Septic Tank Systems
The See-Fil filter is an excellent way to protect your sewage pump and ejector. It works as an extra line of defense to keep debris and foreign matter out of your septic system. Its see through construction makes it easy-to-see when your pump is not working, if the filter needs cleaning or whether or not you have a leaking connection. Plus, cleaning the filter is a breeze, simply unscrew the cap, remove the filter and wash it. With the See-Fil filter, you won't ever have to worry about clogged pumps or ejectors again.
SEE-FIL® Septic Tank Pump Filter, Suitable For Use With: Septic Tank Systems
The See-Fil filter is an excellent way to protect your sewage pump and ejector. It works as an extra line of defense to keep debris and foreign matter out of your septic system. Its see through construction makes it easy-to-see when your pump is not working, if the filter needs cleaning or whether or not you have a leaking connection. Plus, cleaning the filter is a breeze, simply unscrew the cap, remove the filter and wash it. With the See-Fil filter, you won't ever have to worry about clogged pumps or ejectors again.