CHEMFAX™ Gas Leak Detector, 909 mL Net Content, Bottle Container, Composition: Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Liquid Form, Pink, 7 to 8 pH, Melting Point: -30 deg C, -30 deg C Freezing Point, >93 deg C Flash Point, Solubility: Water Soluble
A high foaming, biodegradable low temperature gas leak detector for up to -30 deg C. Acting quickly, G.L.D. detects gas leaks immediately and foams for up to 30 min.
CHEMFAX™ Gas Leak Detector, 909 mL Net Content, Bottle Container, Composition: Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Liquid Form, Pink, 7 to 8 pH, Melting Point: -30 deg C, -30 deg C Freezing Point, >93 deg C Flash Point, Solubility: Water Soluble
A high foaming, biodegradable low temperature gas leak detector for up to -30 deg C. Acting quickly, G.L.D. detects gas leaks immediately and foams for up to 30 min.