Bradford White® Residential Upright Electric Water Heater, 50 gal Capacity, 60 First Hour Delivery, 0.92 Energy Factor, 21 gph Recovery Rate, 6000 W Element Wattage, 240 V, 1 ph Phase, NPT Connection, 3/4 in Connection, 300 psi, Surface Mounting, Fast Acting, Fully Automatic, Surface-Mounted Thermostat, Steel, 22 in Dia x 49-7/16 in H, Screw-Type Immersion Element, Copper Element
Bradford White, Residential Upright Electric Water Heater, RE250S6-1NCPP-458. The -458 indicates that this SKU was designed and certified for Installation in Canada.
Bradford White® Residential Upright Electric Water Heater, 50 gal Capacity, 60 First Hour Delivery, 0.92 Energy Factor, 21 gph Recovery Rate, 6000 W Element Wattage, 240 V, 1 ph Phase, NPT Connection, 3/4 in Connection, 300 psi, Surface Mounting, Fast Acting, Fully Automatic, Surface-Mounted Thermostat, Steel, 22 in Dia x 49-7/16 in H, Screw-Type Immersion Element, Copper Element
Bradford White, Residential Upright Electric Water Heater, RE250S6-1NCPP-458. The -458 indicates that this SKU was designed and certified for Installation in Canada.